Hello all, welcome to the first Campaign post of the blog. This is going to be about the setup of the campaign, the rules, and some of the things that I am attempting to cover. To make one point clear, I am very much an armature at this wargaming thing. I could count the number of games I’ve played on one hand. Also, this is largely a SOLO affair, I’ll make efforts to randomize things as much as I can to avoid perfect knowledge but at a certain point I’m just playing both sides. As a general note for the blog, Any resemblances to actual events, locales, or persons is coincidental. I’m still figuring out the format of this all so bear with me. That being said…the setup
I started by drawling the map, pictured below, using MS Paint. I used a dice roll to determine the predominate terrain and I rolled for a river. The actual drawling took a few hours and its good enough for a start.

That’s…a lot of map, probably too much but I enjoyed making it and I learned a lot from it. Once the conflict kicks off we’ll narrow down the scope quite a bit.
The setting is this… The Republic and the Eisenmarkt Confederation have been at war for 6 months now resulting in a war of attrition. The Republic intends to open a second front in the Morne River region. The Confederation have found out, and are making efforts to blunt the offensive. The general staff of the Confederation have assigned the 5th Division to defend the Stralwagen crossroads, with the ultimate goal of preventing Republic forces from reaching Maashoven .

So for the actual mechanics of the campaign. I’ve overlaid a hex grid to move the units around on the map. Each hex is about 5 miles across. Time will be in days with a morning and afternoon portion which will show more during the actual campaign. I’ll post the rest of the mechanics in a sperate post so those that want to see the behind the scenes can.
As for the battles themselves, those will be handles by Partizan Press’s General de Brigade (not sponsored!). The two factions are re-named French (Republic) and the Prussians (Eisenmarkt Confederation) for their stats and orders of battle. Speaking of order of battle….

Those are the order of battle for the two forces. The Prussian Eisenmarkt Confederation is pretty much as is from the book with the exception of having Calvary units (not that the lack of Calvary will every come up) so I replaced them with reservists. The French Republic however is straight from the order of battle from the book.
Well I think this wraps up the setup for the campaign so far. Hopefully the next post will be the opening moves.
Thank you so much for your time, and be safe! – Christopher