Hey all, as promised here’s a dedicated look at my painting setup as well as what I’ve been working on!

So that’s the setup, pretty spartan, and done on my work in progress model railroad (which *may* be brought up later). I use a normal hobby cutting mat to stabilize everything, and my laptop to hold my light which you can just see the edge of on the corner of my laptop. The wet pallet above my models helps keep the paint in a working condition for longer and helps get the right consistency. So with that, lets look at the paints…

Today I’m working on probably the most time consuming parts of the models, the boots, hats, their chest pieces (It took me looking it up for this post to discover that it’s their great coats rolled up like a bandolier!) and their backpacks. I use German Grey for the boots, and hats, the grey for the coats, and the brownish red for their backpacks, saber hilts, and rifle slings (also I should note I’m not sponsored by any of these brands)

This is a closeup of one of the miniatures. I’ve already primed them with white spray primer, and painted his jacked with High lord blue. Its the first coat so I can afford to be mess as I’ll slowly clean it up as I paint other areas.

Here I’m painting the boots, and I just have to get enough coverage to make it look like its painted, most of the time you’re not going to notice the small details during the game.

Skipping ahead a few steps (I’ll get the hang of documenting down soon) you can see I have painted the things mentioned above. It looks rough but a light wash will blend it together, and they’ll be in a big unit so you won’t see as many details as you’d think. speaking of…

That’s what the final product will look like! I think I’m going to avoid putting a wash on the jackets because I like how bright they are and the really stand out on the table top. The next painting desk post will most likely be the rifles, the metallic bits, the skin, and finally washes (and maybe basing depending on how much time I have)
As usual thank you for stopping by and spending your time here! Feel free to ask any questions you have or to show off your painting set up! Until next time! – Christopher